November 1986): Hacker II: The Doomsday Papers, Chessmaster 2000.October 1986): The Pawn, Autoduel, Arcticfox, Brimstone (Broderbund), Fooblitzky, Gulf Strike.September 1986): American Challenge: A Sailing Simulation, Lords of Conquest.August 1986): Murder on the Mississippi, Rings of Zilfin (Strategic Simulations), Phantasie II, Wizard's Crown, Brattacus (Mindscape).July 1986): Leader Board, SunDog: Frozen Legacy, The Goonies (Datasoft), Zorro, Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony.

February 1986): Reach for the Stars Psion Chess (Psion Inc), Quest of the Space Beagle, Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?.December 1985): Wishbringer, Mudpies (MichTron), Rescue Raiders, Field of Fire, Phantasie.November 1985): Crossword Magic (Mindscape), Colorasaurus (The Learning Company) Gato.

#Black hole glory hhole mnf game simulator#
December 1984): Enchanter Microsoft Flight Simulator 2.0.September 1984): Ultima III: Exodus, The Seven Cities of Gold.August 1984): Star League Baseball (Gamestar Inc).June 1984): Computer Football Strategy, B-1 Nuclear Bomber, Operation Whirlwind.May 1984): Pitstop, Panic Button (First Star Software).Home Video), Flip and Flop, Cosmic Balance II February 1984): Subwar 64 (Clockwork Computers), Computer War (Thorn E.M.I.January 1984): Starbowl Football Robot Runner (Moonbeam Software), Blue Max.December 1983): Millionaire, The Witness Stellar Triumph (H.A.L.November 1983): M.U.L.E., Archon: The Light and the Dark, Worms?, Moondust, The Magic Melody Box (Atari Program Exchange).October 1983): Jumpman Mothership (Softsync), Turmoil (Sirius Software) Picnic Paranoia.September 1983): Telengard, Getaway! Henhouse, Rabbit Trail, Video Vegas (Funware) Crisis Mountain Mutant Herd.August 1983): Astro Chase, Galactic Blitz (Tronix Publishing), Space Station I (Data Force Incorporated), Airstrike, The Flight Simulator (Gladstone Electronics).May 1983): Choplifter, Serpentine, Trashman (Creative Software).March 1983): Frogger (Sierra On-Line) Mathematics Action Games (Scott, Foresman and Company).February 1983): Krazy Kong, Anti-Matter Splatter, 3-D Man, Exterminator, Defender on Tri (Nufekop) Mazogs, Andromeda (Gebelli Software), Shamus, Moptown (Apple Computer Inc).December 1982): Adventure - Colossal Cave (Frontier Computing), Adventureland.November 1982): Spiders of Mars, Satellites and Meteorites (United Microwave Industries).